YTD Return vs Yield |
YTD return vs yield... what's the difference? Yield is a measure of dividend return as a percentage of the stock price.
If you buy a stock at the beginning of the calendar year and the stock price goes nowhere then your year-to-date return will be
driven entirely by the dividends you receive. But for the typical stock, its per-share price is going to fluctuate, sometimes dramatically.
Calculating a total return incorporating gain/loss on the value of the stock and the return you receive from dividends, is a more complete way of looking at the performance of an investment. Even better is considering what you do with those dividends. When a dividend hits your brokerage account, does it sit in cash? Many investors opt to have their dividends reinvested into additional shares — which means their YTD return will also have to factor in how the additional shares accumulated through reinvestment have performed. Researching a company's Year-To-Date Return (YTD Return for short) is good practice for investors. Our website aims to empower investors by performing the YTD return calculation (with dividends reinvested when applicable) across all stocks and ETF benchmarks in our our coverage universe. To begin, choose a company from one of the lists on this page, or enter the stock symbol into the box at the top of the page menu. Thanks for visiting! Researching a company's Year-To-Date Return (YTD Return for short) is good practice for investors — and it is also important to factor in dividends, because a stock's YTD return is more than just the change in stock price, if that company pays a dividend. Our website aims to empower investors by performing the YTD return calculation (with dividends reinvested) across all stocks in our our coverage universe. To begin, choose a company from one of the lists on this page, or enter the stock symbol into the box at the top of the page menu. Thanks for visiting! |
YTD Return Benchmarks |
Compare the YTD return (see YTD Return Meaning) versus benchmarks: YTD Return S&P YTD Return Dow YTD Return Nasdaq 100 YTD Return Russell 2000 YTD Return Gold YTD Return 10 Year Treasury YTD Return By Sector |