Costco Wholesale YTD Return

Start date: 12/31/2024
End date: 01/14/2025
Start price/share: $916.27
End price/share: $917.23
Dividends collected/share: $0.00
COST YTD return: 0.10%
Annualized Gain: 2.73%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $10,010.00
Years: 0.04

Costco Wholesale YTD return is presented with the assumption of reinvestments of any dividends on ex-date.
Compare COST YTD return (see YTD Return Formula; YTD Return vs Yield) versus benchmarks:

YTD Return on S&P
YTD Return on Dow
YTD Return on Nasdaq 100
YTD Return on Russell 2000
YTD Return on Gold
YTD Return on 10 Year Treasury
YTD Return on $10,000.00
Without Dividends Reinvested Into COST

Also see: COST Average Annual Return
Costco Wholesale Corporation operates membership warehouses and e-commerce websites. Co. operates 861 warehouses, including 591 in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, 107 in Canada, 40 in Mexico, 33 in Japan, 29 in the United Kingdom, 18 in Korea, 15 in Australia, 14 in Taiwan, five in China, four in Spain, two in France, and one each in Iceland, New Zealand and Sweden. It also operates e-commerce sites in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Australia. It provides a wide selection of merchandise, convenience of specialty departments and exclusive member services. The Costco Wholesale YTD return is shown above.

The YTD Return on the Costco Wholesale YTD return page and across the coverage universe of our site, is a measure of the total return for a given investment year-to-date for the current calendar year (up to the end of prior trading session). Arguably, choosing the current calendar year for a measurement period is on the one hand completely arbitrary, but on the other hand a year-to-date look can be extremely useful in the context of our country's tax system which taxes gains and income on a calendar year basis.

Thus, researching Year-To-Date Returns is good practice for investors — whether Costco Wholesale YTD return or other benchmarks/peers — and when doing so it is also important to factor in dividends, because a financial instrument's YTD return is more than just the change in price if that instrument pays a dividend or coupon. Our website aims to empower investors by performing the COST YTD return calculation (with any dividends reinvested as applicable), and to provide a coverage universe of many stocks and ETFs to be able to compare YTD returns.
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Costco Wholesale (COST) is categorized under the Services sector; to help you further research YTD return performance across stocks, below are some other companies in the same sector:

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